Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Is a little uncertainty sometimes a good thing?

I was reading today that Ben Bernake, the nominee for Chairman of the Federal Reserve, will be speaking at MIT's commencement this year. Mr. Bernake has a strong reputation for intelligence and for challenging conventional wisdom. In describing his economic philosophy, they quote him saying, "You want to release information that helps the market and the public achieve more accurate expectations of future policy and the future state of the economy."

If we're going to challenge conventional wisdom, how about we look at the idea that more information is better? Does maintaining a transparent monetary policy really help? In most policymaking cases, knowing more information is better because you can better discern the potential outcomes of the policy and, more importantly, judge the hidden agendas of stakeholders.

However, during his tenure as Fed Chair, Alan Greenspan was notorious for opacity. His speeches and congressional testimony were analyzed like Kremlinologists used to analyze the Soviet Union. While Mr. Greenspan kept people guessing, Mr. Bernake instead believes that clearer statements will allow people to make better predictions and have more confidence in the future.

But what happens when people get too confident in their predictions for the future? After all, a good prediction is still a prediction, and thus prone to be wrong on occasion. If people have too much confidence in their prediction, they can put themselves at risk of drastic loss if those predictions fail. Perhaps a little opacity keeps people on their toes and makes sure that they hedge their bets just to be safe?


At 9:35 PM, Blogger Dan Craig said...

You're probably right about that, but he was certainly perceived to be opaque, and many articles and editorials in the media bear this out. But whether or not he was truly open or truly opaque, the question about uncertainty in decision making is still valid.

At 1:34 AM, Blogger Anthony said...

It's all relative -- Greenspan effectively told the market he'd tighten money supply by 25 bps at a time by using the word "measured". However, you could also argue that he's being opaque by not disseminating exact inflation targets. Greenspan's broader message was that inflation matters and monetary policy will be used to control it.

Bernanke comes from the same school of thought but he's actually mentioned setting explicit inflation targets (or at least ranges). The problem is what you do if inflation goes beyond the "target" numbers and how the markets will respond. There are arguments to both sides -- it will be interesting to see what he does at the first Fed meeting that he chairs. If the yield curve is still flat or slightly inverted or if the equity markets are struggling I think he'll face a tough choice.


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